
Saturday, 29 August 2020

Some Type of Way: Birthday Musings


I woke up this morning feeling some type of way.

I think if there’s one thing we can all agree on at this point in time, it will be that its been a very…eventful year.  Pretty sure no one imagined 2020 would turn out like this. I mean, we should have taken the hint that we were in for one hell of a ride when the year pretty much started with the passing of Kobe Bryant.  And it’s been this or that since then, and we've still got 4 months to go. Welp.

But...we keep it positive.

It’s my birthday today (yaayyyy 🎂) and I had decided yesterday that when I wake up this morning, I’d take out time to reflect on what has been and what is yet to come. On how the events of the year has shaped our lives, the way we think, do business etc. on what the future holds and all those other mushy mushy things like that.

Then I saw the news of Chadwick Boseman’s passing and I just went back to bed. Waking up to read the full story on his very private battle with cancer, really helped put a lot of things in perspective for me, about this year, about life in general, in all its brevity and frailty.

Following the reactions, I started thinking of  how I’ve seen so  much of ‘live your life, life is short’ after someone,  especially relatively  young folks, pass, and how I just have these bunch of ideas on how to ‘live my life, to the fullest’ swirling in my head, and how I, along with a lot of other young people, always fall back in to the fallacy of there being more time.

On the bright side, I got up and was determined to write this, and here we are, a step in the right direction I would say.

On a personal note, my 2020 has been very ‘up and down-ish’.  I’m grateful for some of the experiences that I have gone through, some of them have taken their toll, with very rude awakenings. I struggled a lot during the pandemic-induced lock-down, so I had to do a lot of growing, emotionally, spiritually, physically (bare minimum workouts became a struggle). But I’d like to think I’ve come out of it all with tougher skin, I really do hope the rest of the year takes it easy on us. Lol.

Lessons have been learnt though, imagining, communicating, doing, the list goes on and on. I am learning about how important it is to talk through your emotions, even if it’s with yourself. I am learning how to place better value on time, how to cherish the things that are most important in life: family, friends, building lasting relationships, creating beautiful memories, and above all, leaving a mark, finding, and fulfilling your purpose.

Going forward, I hope to take a leaf from the incredibly resilient life that Chadwick Boseman has lived. Up to this point, he was fighting silent battles, something I know all about, with the biggest smile on his face. He had the MAMBA MENTALITY.  I recently watched two of his movies, one of which was made within the time frame which he was battling his ailment, ‘Marshall’ and ‘42’ ( both excellent movies btw, highly, highly recommend,) and I remember thinking to myself ‘wow, what a performance, this guy puts in work on his craft!’.

To now know what we know about his illness, puts things in a considerable new light. You really do not know the battles people are facing deep within.  Most times, a lot of pain is being masked with smiles. That singular act of kindness to a stranger might just be doing a world of good.

Looking back, I’d like to think that he has lived a life of purpose. He has inspired millions of young people around the world, while doing what he was made to do. In his relatively short stay in this lifetime, he has been able to touch so many lives positively. That is GREATNESS.


So, I hope that when you see this, it inspires you to go out there and start getting things done.

Be like Nike and...


I speak to you as I reflect on the changes that I want to make in my own life too.

I hope you love and love deeply; I hope you find happiness in every waking moment.

I hope you put in the work to achieve the things you want to, both little and great.

This is my Candid reflection.




On a lighter note,

I’ve received loads of calls and messages today and my heart is pretty filled with Joy. I always try to celebrate my birthdays in any little way I can, but this year, Covid 19 had other plans. But there has really not been a dull moment today, I’ve had the widest grin spread across my face for the better part of today. Thank you. Words of affirmation can really do wonders!

oh and Anon sent a package and I started reconsidering what my love languages really are!😆 (thank you anon!)

I hope you all are celebrated!.

That’s all from my end, till i write ( or record) again. ciao!


You’re leaving without dropping a like/comment???


  1. This is so insightful! Thank you for this !!

  2. Wow!!!
    This is awesome!
    I am truly inspired.
    "You really do not know the battles people are facing deep within"... Incredible!
    Thanks for this great piece.
