
Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Love is a beautiful thing

"kids, this is the story about how I met your mother"

This is a Ted Mosby inspired write up.

I've just finished watching how i met your mother recently, (yes i only just watched it), and I've learnt or rather I've realized quite a few things from the emotional  roller coaster ride of Ted Evelyn Mosby ( he never should have told Barney that middle name truly). it kind of fits at this point in my life and I'd like to share some of the insights for me from the show.

first is, when it comes to relationships, never settle, never settle for less, your whole life will revolve around the individual you eventually decide to be with, so it is important that that person be someone you have a deep connection with. The person you eventually end up with may not " tick all your boxes",  they may not like everything you like and vice versa, but isn't that the beauty of a relationship? its about appreciating your similarities and respecting your differences. After so many years of searching, and settling, Ted came to this realization right before he met his wife. in so many of the previous relationships he had been in, it was mostly out of loneliness, or ( in most cases) an
"I'd just settle for this one, lets see how it goes". That's a NO NO people, you have the right to be with the person you truly deserve, The person who "completes you".

Ted went through a lot of relationships in the series, but always had a thing for Robin. even when she didn't feel the same way, so deep down, he was never fully committed in any of the subsequent relationships he had after Robin, because he hadn't fully let go of Robin. To be able to embrace the future mrs ted mosby, when she finally came, Ted had to fully let go (no matter how hard it was ). that leads me to part of the things i realized. don't hold on to the past, learn to let things go, if its not working out, don't force it. what will be will be.

Relationships nowadays are more like a past time hobby for us young folks, the concept of falling in love has been greatly eroded by our woke generation. but when you finally get to that moment when you're ready, it is important that you remember that every one deserves to love and to love greatly, love is a beautiful thing (don't get it twisted), the most powerful force in the universe. love can be demanding and sacrificial, it requires two people that truly want to be together, its not always a bed of roses. but, when you finally find 'the one'. it all becomes worth it.
(p.s Barney Stinson's awesome!)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely piece, dbanj should be so honored for the ref😁
